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Penis piercing

Hello - sorry for message in English, but I moved to the Netherlands with my family from another country just few weeks ago. I hope that you will be able to help me :) I'm quite interested in getting my penis pierced. I'm 15, turning 16 in next 2 months. I heard that in Netherlands it is allowed to get it without parent permission when 16 - is that true? I'm a bit surprised about it, because in my country it is allowed only when you are 21.

15 jaar
8 jaren geleden

17 Reacties

  • Nice! I was wondering since you are not from here, are you circumcised?

    18 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy16

    Cool, nice to hear! What was your experience with getting the PA? Did the piercer put a closed barball in?

    22 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • Finally I did it. I got my PA last Saturday. It looks great ;)

    16 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy22



    My PA is also stretched to 6 mm and I also want to stretch it to 10 mm. That seems to me the ultimate ;).



    Wow your nipple piercings are 3mm.

    22 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy22

    My Prince Albert is stretched to 2ga (6mm), my final goal is to stretch it to 0 / 00 ga (8/10 mm). Normally I wear horseshoe ring. My nipples are stretched to 8ga (3 mm) with straight barbells. I don't plan to stretch them more.

    23 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy23

    How big is your PA now? And your nipple piercings?

    What kind of rings are you wearing?

    22 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • 1. How old were you when you got your PA?

    2. Do you have other piercings or tattoos? Where?
    I have both nipples pierced and ear studs. I have sleeve tattoo on my left hand.

    3. Who knows about your PA? Parents? Bro/sisters? Friends? How they reacted?
    My brother knows, we got our dicks pierced the same day together. Some of my close friends, who have seen me in gym / locker.

    4. Do you know some people close to you who are also pierced? Who? Where? Was it a motivation to get your PA?
    My brother has his penis pierced; 2 my male cousins also have PA and nipples done. It was motivation for me. When I was 16 and my cousin 19 it was first time when I saw my cousin pierced dick. I really liked it.

    5. How are your doing in locking rooms/common showers? Being naked normally, showing your PA to every body? Hiding your penis to don't show your PA? Or maybe especially showing your PA?
    If there are no children there - I'm proud of it and I like to show it. I didn't get my PA to hide it from everybody.

    23 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @topic starter

    1. I was 19 when I got my PA
    2. I have an earring and a belly button piercing at the moment. In the past both of my nipples were pierced and I had a guiche.
    3. My parents do not know about my piercings.
    4. First I saw a PA with a guy and it looked very good and he told me the sex is better and it looks very horny, so that's why I took one too.
    5. When I go to the gym I take my PA out because sometimes children are in the dressing room as well.

    22 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy 15:

    I highly recommend you apadravya instead of standard PA. I got mine year ago and it is my only one piercing. It is great. Also my girlfriend is very happy with it and she says it provides her a lot of stimulation.

    21 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @topic starter:

    As others mentioned, it is true that there in Holland you can have all piercings without your parents knowledge after 16. I had my 16th birthday half year ago and I used this opportunity to get my nipples done. I have straight barbells. They look amazing, I like how they look on me and I love to show them to others on beaches and at gym. My parents know nothing about them, they are very strict and as long as I live with them they don't want to see any piercings on me. They think it is gay for boys to have piercings. I hope that they will not find them out at least till I'm 18. I also consider getting PA as some of my mates have it and it really looks perfect. Maybe in next few months, when my nipples are healed.

    16 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy 18 and @boy22:

    Thank you for your asnwers. Let me ask some more questions.

    1. How old were you when you got your PA?

    2. Do you have other piercings or tattoos? Where?

    3. Who knows about your PA? Parents? Bro/sisters? Friends? How they reacted?

    4. Do you know some people close to you who are also pierced? Who? Where? Was it a motivation to get your PA?

    5. How are your doing in locking rooms/common showers? Being naked normally, showing your PA to every body? Hiding your penis to don't show your PA? Or maybe especially showing your PA?

    Thanx a lot for the answer! ;-)

    15 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • @boy 22:

    Answeing your question regarding my piercings - yes, I'm already much into body modifications. My first piercings were standard earlobes - I got them when I was 12. On my 13th birthday I got my tongue pierced, some months later I started stretching my ears. Like a year ago I got my septum and snakebites done. In meantime I stretched my ears and I have currently 35 mm tunnels. My parents agreed on all those piercings, but it seems a little bit verid for me to ask them for permission to pierce my nipples. I want them on 16th birthday, so they are not needed any more :) Also as I stated before soon I want one of penis piercings.

    15 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • I've got a PA as well and I got it a few years ago. I've stretched it a couple of times. Sex with a PA is much better and my dick is also more sensative when I have an orgasm. It did not hurt that much and it was healed within 2 weeks. So I recommend it.

    @topic starter: will a penis piercing your first piercing or do you have already some piercings and/or earrings?

    22 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • i have a pa. I love it! It's so good! With sex, bj everything. And condoms survive it

    18 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • My penis is quite well developed, so no worry about tiny piercings :)

    Are there are guys here who got them? What are your opinions? Which one do you recommend? I would like to get PA or apadravya.

    15 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • Hello (my english is not so good sorry about it) Yes it true if you are 16 you may let place a tatoo and a Penis piercing. But you only can have small-medium and no big one WARNING: it can be extremely painful Let us now how it is when you got it ;)

    13 jaar
    8 jaren geleden
  • Yes it true if you are 16 y/o you may let place a tatoo and a Penis piercing.
    What I do not know whether they have tiny piercings :-P

    16 jaar
    8 jaren geleden

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